Friday, 7 November 2014

Passion project 3

So to start this off, i finished my short video that i used all my concepts in, watch it here! LINK

So back to the blog, i was saving up for equipment and i have yet to ask my mentor (Paul) about what i need currently. I'v been working on what film i should do next and i have been pondering for a little while on how i am to be making it. Since i'm buying a dolly ( LINK ) it will let me create very clean and professional slide in when i'm makin emotinal shots (zooming into a persons face slowly while the express it) or introductiual shots (i made that word up) where i just make everything look a lot better. Since my birthday is quite soon, i recieved $200 from my grandparents and that will go towards this dolly and future equipment.

So if any of you have been keeping up my weird series, Jeremy and Timothy is coming to an end as the final episode will air the day before my birthday. November 17th 2014. As funny and exciting as the episode islooking so far i will truly be saddened to have this series go. I also had a draw for two limited edition shirts for the series, the winners were Zach Haaksma and Ashton Dejong. They both were excited and confused at the same time.

I'v greatly improved on my communication with actors, i had plenty of mistakes but i truly felt that i really worked it out when i was creating my short video. For example, for one scene i couldn't quite word how i wanted my actor to play out in the scene so i simply acted it out, gave him pin points of what to do at certain moments and then just try it. It worked well and i think its one way furthur that will help me inprove my workmanship. Lastly i have been looking through makeup and effects and i am learning very simple animation (i need it for the final episode of J&T) and i was looking through the masks that i wanted and i finally found out that not only does it fit my needs but it seems like a recyclable mask (something i can reuse till it breaks or is no longer needed). If you're interested in my mask or any kind of masks, here is the link. LINK

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