Outdoors are doors outside
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Bent Hope Review
Title:Bent Hope
# of pages: 182
Genre/Tags - Storys - Religous -Homelessness -Trust -Living to the fulliest
Troy Dawes
Rating 2.7/5
The author who wrote this, Tim.J.Huff made a interesting life story collection with a christian twist. Bent hope was created by Tim Huffs twenty years of unique work among the homeless and the street involved youth. He lives in toronto and brings a collection of thoughtful narratives.
His style of writing is more visual then a story. He tells you what he did, what he thought in the situation and what God probably did. He grows our thinking and challanges our imagination.
My finished review was more of a decent take in, let me explain. His book is full of inspiration and stories of what he did, but thats all that it is! It's more of a book about his life than it is about jesus's deed. He did a very good job of tying God into the picture but i honestly felt like i was reading more of a diary instead of a bibical story. He had very repetitve or cliche stories going on, as silly as it sounds when you hear the same story over and over and then read the exact same story in this book you pretty much get nothing out of it. Overall it was an interesting story but i'd only reccomend it if you have time to blow and need some inspiration but its otherwise not that great of a book.
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Blog 3 - getting there
I currently have a dolly, tripod, decent camera and editing software. Its Basically all i need as of right now to make a AMATURE QUALITY VIDEO. I need some more equipment as of right now for my planned Film, "Ester". Its a story based off the religous problems of addiction. I'm figuring out the visuals but its currently...very twisted. If i get a job soon enough, ill save up my money to buy the whole ester costume, a better camera and ill look into special effects. I'm not going to spoil much about the whole Ester film but my biggest hint towards it is that its a Very twisted christian film. Try to think of anything like that!
I have recently been accepted by a film group to go into training with professionals, my biggest hope is that it works out well and i use this knowledge for the best of i can. I also am uploading a small Project based off the TV show "The Office". It could've looked better but i suppose time was a problem in the forumla but i made it work. It will shown during the poli probs presentations. If i were to rate it on how appropriate it is, it would be probably a strong PG-13 Flick. It's not quite...christian proof but it's weird!
Other than that, i finally had enough information from Paul (the director) and we parted ways. If i ever need him for questions or more info, i'm more than welcome to talk to him.
-Troy Dawes
-Jackson Roulston
Actor in my short.
I have recently been accepted by a film group to go into training with professionals, my biggest hope is that it works out well and i use this knowledge for the best of i can. I also am uploading a small Project based off the TV show "The Office". It could've looked better but i suppose time was a problem in the forumla but i made it work. It will shown during the poli probs presentations. If i were to rate it on how appropriate it is, it would be probably a strong PG-13 Flick. It's not quite...christian proof but it's weird!
Other than that, i finally had enough information from Paul (the director) and we parted ways. If i ever need him for questions or more info, i'm more than welcome to talk to him.
-Troy Dawes
-Jackson Roulston
Actor in my short.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Passion project 3
So to start this off, i finished my short video that i used all my concepts in, watch it here! LINK
So back to the blog, i was saving up for equipment and i have yet to ask my mentor (Paul) about what i need currently. I'v been working on what film i should do next and i have been pondering for a little while on how i am to be making it. Since i'm buying a dolly ( LINK ) it will let me create very clean and professional slide in when i'm makin emotinal shots (zooming into a persons face slowly while the express it) or introductiual shots (i made that word up) where i just make everything look a lot better. Since my birthday is quite soon, i recieved $200 from my grandparents and that will go towards this dolly and future equipment.
So if any of you have been keeping up my weird series, Jeremy and Timothy is coming to an end as the final episode will air the day before my birthday. November 17th 2014. As funny and exciting as the episode islooking so far i will truly be saddened to have this series go. I also had a draw for two limited edition shirts for the series, the winners were Zach Haaksma and Ashton Dejong. They both were excited and confused at the same time.
I'v greatly improved on my communication with actors, i had plenty of mistakes but i truly felt that i really worked it out when i was creating my short video. For example, for one scene i couldn't quite word how i wanted my actor to play out in the scene so i simply acted it out, gave him pin points of what to do at certain moments and then just try it. It worked well and i think its one way furthur that will help me inprove my workmanship. Lastly i have been looking through makeup and effects and i am learning very simple animation (i need it for the final episode of J&T) and i was looking through the masks that i wanted and i finally found out that not only does it fit my needs but it seems like a recyclable mask (something i can reuse till it breaks or is no longer needed). If you're interested in my mask or any kind of masks, here is the link. LINK
So back to the blog, i was saving up for equipment and i have yet to ask my mentor (Paul) about what i need currently. I'v been working on what film i should do next and i have been pondering for a little while on how i am to be making it. Since i'm buying a dolly ( LINK ) it will let me create very clean and professional slide in when i'm makin emotinal shots (zooming into a persons face slowly while the express it) or introductiual shots (i made that word up) where i just make everything look a lot better. Since my birthday is quite soon, i recieved $200 from my grandparents and that will go towards this dolly and future equipment.
So if any of you have been keeping up my weird series, Jeremy and Timothy is coming to an end as the final episode will air the day before my birthday. November 17th 2014. As funny and exciting as the episode islooking so far i will truly be saddened to have this series go. I also had a draw for two limited edition shirts for the series, the winners were Zach Haaksma and Ashton Dejong. They both were excited and confused at the same time.
I'v greatly improved on my communication with actors, i had plenty of mistakes but i truly felt that i really worked it out when i was creating my short video. For example, for one scene i couldn't quite word how i wanted my actor to play out in the scene so i simply acted it out, gave him pin points of what to do at certain moments and then just try it. It worked well and i think its one way furthur that will help me inprove my workmanship. Lastly i have been looking through makeup and effects and i am learning very simple animation (i need it for the final episode of J&T) and i was looking through the masks that i wanted and i finally found out that not only does it fit my needs but it seems like a recyclable mask (something i can reuse till it breaks or is no longer needed). If you're interested in my mask or any kind of masks, here is the link. LINK
Friday, 17 October 2014
Blog 2
So lately I'v improved in my passion project being film. I'v been learning how to do and when to do clean transisitons (one scene into anoter). I'v been filming more episodes for my show and i can see how my shots are lining up but the biggest problem i see is lighting. I will possibly be purchasing Lighting equipment. I will need to practice with my lighting except for one thing. I don't know anything about proper lighting.
I need to improve on my communication when i'm working with actors and i need lay out better concepts when i'm making videos because they seem to be sloppy just in their own sense. I'v been writing a layout and script for a video i will be filming this weekend with a friend. I will be testing how my lighting works in this video as well as see how i can try new shots. I will share that video and if anyone wants to see me be very immature and weird click THIS.
I'v been looking at silicone masks lately but they cost a foot and an arm. The one i'm wanting is $700. Besides the rediculous price, i will be using this for up coming projects. EXAMPLE. I also may have a mentor. His name is paul and one of my friends helped me come into contact wjith this director. He's made small budget films before and my friends helped on set. Since he lives in californa i will be skyping him and setting up plans and talks with him. More info on him upcoming.
I need to improve on my communication when i'm working with actors and i need lay out better concepts when i'm making videos because they seem to be sloppy just in their own sense. I'v been writing a layout and script for a video i will be filming this weekend with a friend. I will be testing how my lighting works in this video as well as see how i can try new shots. I will share that video and if anyone wants to see me be very immature and weird click THIS.
I'v been looking at silicone masks lately but they cost a foot and an arm. The one i'm wanting is $700. Besides the rediculous price, i will be using this for up coming projects. EXAMPLE. I also may have a mentor. His name is paul and one of my friends helped me come into contact wjith this director. He's made small budget films before and my friends helped on set. Since he lives in californa i will be skyping him and setting up plans and talks with him. More info on him upcoming.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Passion Project
1: I will be supplied development equipment during the camp such as, Video cameras, Editing software, computers etc.
2: i will have my progression through how much i'v been doing with the film like have i finished my script or have i finished editing a certain scene etc. Learning will be recorded through time and how my end results grow.
3: Month 1, 2014 October 10th: Currently i'v been filming very strange video's (mainly for jokes) but as i looked closer and closer i saw that i'v made great improvements from my old video's. Currently i'v been taking the video editing/filming process a bit more seriously. My goals have been changed due to this improvement and better insight.
-Obtain a mentor.
-Learn to use personal camera (completely to maximize its perpose.)
-Begin learning how to set up basic lighting.
-Script writing training
4: Mentor will be found soon, They will show me how to edit, direct, set up lighting, how to work with set folk, how to write scripts properly. Etc
-Troy Dawes
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Birds hill trip
Birds hill journal 
I first thought this was going to be actually quite boring since their wasn't gonna be many animals and if there was going to be it'd probably not stay very long. I went and it was adventurous! It wasn't too hot or windy and it was a nice open land.
Another thing that was fun was that we found an tourist place with an old home. We looked around and we scared Ashton pretty hard. We also found a lookout place that helped us see a great view. I also saw a lot of milky textured trees. I also found some pure black leafs but they weren't burnt or damaged. 
I think we also had a fun time exploring and we found a abandoned contraption. I didn't know what it was but it was pretty huge. But getting lost was pretty easy but luckily I stayed with my group. 

-Troy Dawes
Oak Marsh Trip
- It was horribly cold and windy. I thought I was gonna die! I didn't expect the wind to be this bad but I guessed incorrectly. Luckily mr klasson was nice enough to pass me a spare sweater so I would at least survive. I didn't come prepared and next time I should bring stuff instead of guessing.
2.we saw Seagulls (or gulls) Geese,Woodpeckers, Ducks and Swan.
3.i learned that the smallest things matter to identify a bird. And better yet know its gender. I also learned that researching birds is very hard! Catching birds and attaching tracking devices are pretty easy but tracking them back down can be a problem. It's pretty incredible that people researched them so much! Overall I learned a lot about birds!
-Troy Dawes
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