Thursday, 24 October 2013

Birds hill trip

Birds hill journal

I first thought this was going to be actually quite boring since their wasn't gonna be many animals and if there was going to be it'd probably not stay very long. I went and it was adventurous! It wasn't too hot or windy and it was a nice open land.

Another thing that was fun was that we found an tourist place with an old home. We looked around and we scared Ashton pretty hard. We also found a lookout place that helped us see a great view. I also saw a lot of milky textured trees. I also found some pure black leafs but they weren't burnt or damaged.

I think we also had a fun time exploring and we found a abandoned contraption. I didn't know what it was but it was pretty huge. But getting lost was pretty easy but luckily I stayed with my group.
                                                                                                  -Troy Dawes

Oak Marsh Trip


  1. It was horribly cold and windy. I thought I was gonna die! I didn't expect the wind to be this bad but I guessed incorrectly. Luckily mr klasson was nice enough to pass me a spare sweater so I would at least survive. I didn't come prepared and next time I should bring stuff instead of guessing.

2.we saw Seagulls (or gulls) Geese,Woodpeckers, Ducks and Swan.

3.i learned that the smallest things matter to identify a bird. And better yet know its gender. I also learned that researching birds is very hard! Catching birds and attaching tracking devices are pretty easy but tracking them back down can be a problem. It's pretty incredible that people researched them so much! Overall I learned a lot about birds!

-Troy Dawes

Survival Shelter

Survival Necessity 1 - Shelter

Look up shelter building techniques, checking at least 5 different sources. Select what you think are the two best techniques/styles of shelter building, and answer the following:

Sources considered (full link please):
Shelter 1 - debris hut

Materials needed:
Sticks and Wetted leafs. Usually recommending strings of sorts.


Description of shelter and how to build:
Grab large stick. Balance with 2 other sticks. Cover with rows of sticks then wrap with Debree. Then cover floor with small dry debree.



Labeled Sketch of Shelter:

Other considerations (placement of shelter, wind direction, best supplies for the job, etc.): No real specialties needed but rope is somewhat required.
Shelter 2 - ____________________

Materials needed:



Description of shelter and how to build:




Labeled Sketch of Shelter:

Other considerations (placement of shelter, wind direction, best supplies for the job, etc.)

Tree identification Pre exercise

This assignment will help you to familiarize yourself with how to use this guide and how to identify the native trees of Manitoba.

Pg. 7

1. How many native tree species are there in Manitoba?

2. What are the 5 best ways to identify a particular tree variety?
Colour, Leaf shape, Leaf colour, Texture of the tree and thickness/size of the tree

3. Define “tree”
A woody plant with a crown

For the following questions, you can use both the flow charts found on pg. 11-13 and the tree specific pages that follow. Pg.11-13 will likely give you the answers you need, but please check the tree specific pages as well. This will help you to see what it means when it says a leaf is, for example double-toothed and lop-sided.

4. Name 3 trees whose buds are opposite.
Twigs hairy/twigs not hairy

Green ash/Black ash

Buds black/Buds rusty brown

5. Name 3 trees whose buds are alternating.
Buds sticky/buds not sticky

Buds hairy/buds not hairy

Twigs rigid/ Twigs smooth

6. Name 2 trees that have scale-like leaves.

White cedar

Balsam Fur

7. Name 3 trees that have leaves that are needle-like.

New twigs hairy/not hairy

Black Bruce/white Bruce

L needle like
8. Name 3 trees whose leaves are compounded.

Manitoba maple

Snowy mountain ash

Black ash

9. Name 2 trees whose leaves are lobed.

Hack berry


10. Name 2 trees whose leaves are single-toothed and lop-sided.

Peach willow

Trembling Aspen

Looking at Pg. 4-5 and researching online, answer the following questions about Bird’s Hill Park (BHP)

11. What ecozone is BHP a part of?

Couldn't find

12. Based on this, what types of trees do you expect to find at BHP?

Couldn't find

13. Search BHP in your web browser, and list at least 5 different varieties of trees listed on the BHP government website.

Maple tree

Black spruce

Green ash



-Troy Dawes

Monday, 23 September 2013

Heyo I'm Troy! Small gamer, film maker and competitive team player! Welcome to my Blog!